I'm a 33 year old Software Developer based out of New York, New York.
I enjoy Rock Climbing, Magic: the Gathering, and Cocktails; though I wouldn't recommend combining them into a single activity.
I'm also a fan of Puzzles and Science Fiction and Fantasy novels.
Skills &Interests &Certifications
React8 Years2016 - Present
Javascript9 Years2015 - Present
Rock Climbing8 Years2015 - Present
Typescript5 Years2019 - Present
New RelicCertified Performance Pro2019 - 2021
Magic TCG12 Years2012 - Present
Java9 Years2009 - 20152019 - Present
SCUBA DivingAdvanced Open Water Diver
AWS7 Years2016 - Present
Image Editing9 Years2015 - Present
Magic JudgeLevel 12016 - 2022
RubyCompetent when Documentation is Available
PythonCompetent when Documentation is Available
Projects &Publications &Presentations
Serverless Mail
Routes carvers.info emails to my personal gmail using the free tiers of multiple AWS services.Amazon SES recieves all incoming messages to carvers.info, and then dumps the contents into s3. A lambda function picks up the change, rewrites message headers, and reroutes to gmail.
Headless Blog
Blog CMS utilizing free tiers of AWS and GCP to upload content to the site without deploymentsA google cloud service role has access to a folder on my Google Drive and looks for '.md' files. An AWS Lambda function is attached to my site API and can utilize this role to fetch posts.
Asteroid Lightcurve Analysis at the Oakley Southern Sky Observatory: 2011 November-DecemberPublished in The Minor Planet Bulletin July 2012.
Photonic Analog-to-Digital Converter via Asynchronous OversamplingPoster presentation at SPIE Sensing and Security Conference April 2012.
Digital Dim Sum: Mastering Microservices for Many PalatesInspired by the Epicurious “4 Levels” video series, presented at DeveloperWeek Conference February 2023.This talk aims to equate different styles of building microservice architectures to the “Amateur”, “Home Chef”, and “Professional” labels, while also providing a compare-and-contrast view from the perspective of the “Food Scientist”.